NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 10月24日 04時35分

Ever wonder what tools for a robot with two 11.5 foot arms look like? 🤖🛠️ Well here is an example! This week, @国際宇宙ステーション’ Dextre robot used both arms simultaneously for the first time to operate two tools as part of the Robotic Refueling Mission 3 (RRM3).

RRM3 is developing the tools and techniques needed for transferring cryogenic fluids, which can be used as propellants, coolants, or for life-support systems.

The Dextre robot operated the Cryogen Servicing Tool in one arm to grab and guide a hose that would be used to pump fuel into a port on the RRM3 module [pictures 1-2]. Dextre used its second arm to extend the snake-like VIPIR2 camera [pictures 3-4] into the piping system to ensure the hose is inserted correctly. The last image shows VIPIR2 and CST connected to Dextre, on the Canadarm2. These techniques could be applied to future robotic refueling of free-flying spacecraft to extend their lifespan and to enable farther and long-duration journeys.

All images credit: NASA


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