タリブ・クウェリのインスタグラム(talibkweli) - 10月18日 22時42分

Vote how you want to vote or don't vote at all, it's your right. But please be informed and don't spread misinformation. There's a reason that GOP supporters will tell you that democrats started the KKK but neglect to tell you why the KKK votes republican in this era. There's a reason why republicans march with Nazis and KKK to save confederate statues. Parties are like tents. The GOP tent makes room for and courts fascists, sexists and white supremacists. The Democrats have racists and sexists in their tent too, of course they do, both parties were started by and ran by old white men. But they also make room for and court progressives and anti racists, which is why their policies seem to align with progressives and activists a lot more. Have democrats taken the Black vote for granted? Absolutely. But it's entirely possible to hold them accountable for this without lying and making false equivalencies. It's our duty to. Whether you vote or not is your choice and I would never shame someone for not voting. But what I can't do is stand back and let people lie on behalf of our enemies. In order to be conservative you have to have something to conserve. 🙏🏾


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