エイミー・ウィラートンのインスタグラム(missamywillerton) - 10月11日 04時22分

#worldmentalhealthday ... I am ashamed to say that before experiencing a mental health crisis myself I would be very quick to dismiss things like #anxiety as ‘dramatic’ ... I was so ignorant. Mental health is no joke, it is an enemy you cannot escape. It is having to breath through panic attacks just to take on the most basic of days. I chose this picture because it is an Instagram worthy lie of an invasive sickness. Look what an amazing day it looks like I was having but the truth of it is I preferred being asleep at this time because to be awake in my mind was such a dark terrifying place. I see this picture and remember how scared I felt , of myself, of life, of everything. It was a few days after this that I finally got help I needed. I was first treated with medication but this personally made me much worse. Eventually after persisting because I knew I could not go on as I was. I was eventually diagnosed with PTSD and was given a course of CBT therapy. Which changed my life. I felt like I was living in a black tunnel and slowly a little light was being turned on so that I could eventually see and walk back in my life again. It is possible to heal. There is no miracle cure it takes and commitment and SUPPORT. The pain may be there sometimes but for me it’s a scar not an open wound anymore. It is possible come back from the darkness. There is hope. I promise you. Do not let the black hole consume you if you can relate to the above. I have tagged some pages on here that I know exist simply to give someone to talk to. Persist. Fight for yourself. You matter. No one can tell you that your problems don’t matter. We need to take care of each other & ourselves. I haven’t shared this story because I want sympathy , I’ve shared it because not too long ago I needed to hear and know this. Just to read someone else’s story and know that I wasn’t alone. And that it was possible to feel again. It is , but you must fight for yourself by talking to someone , reach out and get help so you can find your light again, together we are fire🔥life after trauma and mental heath is possible 🙏x #mentalhealthawareness


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