ミシェル・オバマのインスタグラム(michelleobama) - 10月6日 23時28分

I understand if the last few days have felt like a whirlwind. My heart goes out to everyone touched by this virus—from those in the White House, especially the Secret Service and residence staff whose service to this country ought never be taken for granted, to all those across the country whose names and stories most of us will unfortunately never know.

The truth is, the events of the past few days are a bracing reminder of the tragedy that has been this administration’s response to this crisis. And I’ll be very honest: This is a message I’d planned to release earlier, and after everything that’s happened, I weighed whether or not to go public at all. But I wanted you all to hear what’s been on my mind. Because the drama of the past few days has only emphasized what’s at stake in this election, from the coronavirus to a constant drumbeat of fear, division, and chaos that’s threatening to spiral out of control. There’s only one way we can pull ourselves out—by voting for my friend @JoeBiden, who’s got the heart, the experience, and the character to lead us to better days.

So I hope you’ll watch, and I hope you’ll share this video with everyone you know who might still be deciding how or if they’re going to vote. And more than anything, I hope you’ll vote for Joe with power, with passion, and with a love of this country that cannot possibly be denied.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




