アンナ・ニコル・スミスのインスタグラム(annavictoria) - 10月3日 00時03分

Here’s another part of my first postpartum workout ❤️ several of you asked how many times a week you should do these moves.
If you’re very newly postpartum (but also cleared from your doctor), I suggest starting with 3 days a week at the most. First, you’re still recovering and there’s no need to go from 0 to 60. Second, you have a lot on your plate right now. Don’t overwhelm yourself - take it slow and steady and you can always increase seasons once you get a better handle on this new life with your little one (telling myself the same thing... 😬)
❤️ Lying Inner Thigh Raises: When doing these, be sure you’re laying completely on your side and not leaning back nor forward. Focus on using your inner thigh muscles (adductors) in order to raise your leg each rep, and of course, contract your TVA! Exhale as you lift your leg, inhale as you lower it.
❤️ Knee Drops: These are the beginner version of the next move, so try these out before you attempt the more difficult version with your legs raised. Slowly lower your knee, don’t let it just fall down. Then also slowly raise it back up by using your adductors and transverse abdominus muscles (your deep, inner core).
❤️ Raised Knee Drops: Once you feel comfortable, progress to the raised leg version of the knee drops. Honestly, my first time trying these, they were tough so I regressed to the easier version for the first session (aside from filming this for you girls :)) so don’t hesitate to go at your own pace - no need to cram all these in unless they feel absolutely right for you and your body’s recovery.
❤️ Glute Bridge: While this *will* work your booty, the booty is not the main focus here. It’s your TVA and your pelvic floor. You’ll notice I start touching my lower belly in order to create that mind-muscle connection and ensure I’m engaging my transverse abdominus muscles.
👉 Do each for 60 seconds and repeat 3x 😊 #fbggirls #fbgmoms #7weekspostpartum


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