Xenia Adontsのインスタグラム(xeniaadonts) - 9月27日 20時50分

Start a revolution with confidence - @attire ☄️ It all started with a dream. A mission. To become the most sustainable and most transparent fashionable fashion brand. This is our second collection and it’s ONLY THE BEGINNING. Sometimes I can’t believe to think that we started this on our own (invested our entire savings in this baby!), researched from scratch (ZERO experience or connections in the production industry)& creating magic with my tiny A-team. We’re the epitome of a lean start-up. While sticking to our core values: all-certified biodegradable 100% quality fabrics from Italian mills, zero polyester (from zippers and buttons over shoulder pads to fabric threads), produced in Portugal, with full transparency on pricing & origin and production. I really believe that Attire is the future. From the deepest bottom of my heart thank you to everybody who’s with us from the beginning (getting emotional but I promise my soul is in this).🥺.

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