Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 9月25日 02時30分

I rescued Cielo on October of the previous year, and I decided to create the Foundation EXACTLY when I posted this 6 years ago. I started the paperwork right away after this post, and around 2 months later, on August 16, @drpuentecompean and Papa Bear signed at a Public Notary the official beginning of The Black Jaguar-White Tiger Foundation. But this post here was my formal declaration of war against the dark side of Humanity. Obviously, people didn’t know what I really meant with this post at that time, but six years later, some of you have understood that behind all of my actions (Well, most of them since sometimes I behave like an ungrateful idiot), there’s something hidden. 6 years later, you have witnessed that I really meant what I posted here. I’ve fought all the pseudo Animal-Lover organizations. Well, they’ve fought me. I almost died fighting them but I survived. It is the rule that someone like me has to speak out clearly his intentions, this way, if they are pure, Existence will back them up. All my acts are dedicated to the Spirit, including writing this post. Sometimes I come out as a crazy person, sometimes I come out as a rational person, and sometimes, as an idiot Hahahha, but behind those personalities, there’s a hidden force that doesn’t change, and it is that force, the one that dictates everything in this Universe, including the acts from this Pawn of Existence called Papa Bear. It has been my Sacred Duty to fight for almost 7 years the dark side of humanity. We have won all battles, in some of them the Victory has been partial and the war is still going on, because whether the enemy is disguised as PETA, Carole Baskin or whatsoever other idiot decides to join the war against us, they represent the dark side of humanity, the blindness, cruelty and lack of sensibility against life, in whichever form it pleases to take. The war will continue until we win, but huge steps forward have been taken and conquered. One step at a time. One punch at a time. One round at a time. With Love and gratitude...
#SaveOurPlanet #BeHuman #PapaBearChronicles


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