ヴィオラ・デイヴィスのインスタグラム(violadavis) - 9月24日 17時56分

When we look back on 2020...when you look at what we know of American history....what will be our legacy? Will it be of conceding defeat and allowing the status quo to continue to squeeze the life, liberties and hope out of us? Or will it be a collective, calling on our ancestors, taking back our worth, FIGHT!!! Let this time be about using every Black life lost as warrior fuel to suit up and go into battle. To do what? To fight for....really, really, really fight for, the America we want to see!! An America that serves US!! An America that protects us, that gives to us, an AMERICA that doesn't dehumanize us...an America that believes that we MATTER!! Because if we don't fight, WE will be the ones walking away from George Floyd while he had a knee on his neck. Or ignoring Breonna Taylor as she's being sprayed with bullets. Or Mary Turner as her baby is cut out of her. Or Emmet Til's screams as he's being tortured. VOTE!!! VOTE!!! REGISTER TO VOTE!!! Let's begin to heal. Let the world see that WE believe we matter. RIP Breonna!! ✊🏿❤️🖤💚#BLM

🎥@タイリース・ギブソン f/ @ceelogreen - Legendary


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