Honolulu Myohoji Missionのインスタグラム(honolulumyohoji) - 9月11日 15時30分

Here’s a short story from famous Zen Master Munson Yamaha Roshi.

A young man asked: “Roshi, while you often speak about the real self, what kind of self is the real self?”

The Zen Masters answered: “Try to work with your whole heart for the sake of another. Then if you feel a sense of satisfaction from the bottom of your heart having done so, the satisfaction is your real self.”

It’s a tough time to think of others while each of us are struggling with virus. Hope this message will give you an awareness of how great to live with others. They are here for you to enjoy your life no matter what.

The photo is from #alamoanabeach a while ago...

#ハワイ #ハワイ好きな人と繋がりたい #ハワイだいすき #ハワイ好き #ハワイに恋して #ハワイ大好き #ハワイ生活 #ハワイ行きたい #ハワイ暮らし #オアフ島 #ホノルル妙法寺 #HawaiianAirlines #ハワイアン航空 #思い出 #honolulumyohoji #honolulumyohojimission
#御朱印女子 #開運 #穴場 #パワースポット #hawaii #hawaiilife #hawaiian #luckywelivehawaii #hawaiiliving #hawaiistyle #hawaiivacation


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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