デスモンド・タンのインスタグラム(thedesmondtan) - 9月10日 19時13分

As we battle against the Covid-19 pandemic, the crisis of our generation, we are pushed to reflect on the true meaning of happiness, rediscover the new way of life and reimagine our future.

Personally, I feel that I grew alot during this period as I learned to look at things with a brand new perspective and appreciate everything around me more than before. I learned to re-priotised the various elements in my life differently. Things might be tougher but I feel that I'm having a happier heart and I feel more alive. Do you feel the same?

I strongly believe we are resilient enough to get through this crisis together as a nation and emerge as a better Singapore @our_sg 💪🏻 I'm glad that we have the ongoing Singapore Together Emerging Stronger Conversations, which encourage participation and involvement amongst Singaporeans – so we can work together for a better, post-Covid Singapore society. Sign up at https://go.gov.sg/ESConversations

If you are like me and wish to have a say and to be involved in building a better Singapore Together, visit www.singaporetogether.gov.sg

#SingaporeTogether #EmergingStronger


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