江崎びす子のインスタグラム(bisukoezaki) - 9月3日 18時43分

Thank you for loving Menherachan.

I thought about why so many people like Menherachan in Japan and the United States.

In Japan today, news has announced the mental well-being rankings of 38 countries around the world, with Japan at 37th and America at 36th.

I think this result is closely related to the popularity of Menherachan.

Characters that have only happy elements are too dazzling for people in distress. not so familiar and can't empathize.

Menherachan is the same person who suffers and suffers. That's why can sympathize with, and can be close to them. That's the reason why Menherachan is loved.

I myself can't sympathize with the bright side character. I always liked the characters on the dark side.

That is why I myself am always on the side of people who are suffering and suffering. Menherachan wants to be such a character in the future.


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