JEN ATKINのインスタグラム(jenatkinhair) - 8月30日 07時18分

I was debating whether to share this or not but I think it’s important. Roo was running around on the beach and the next morning we woke up to her non responsive and stiff. The vet told us they saw she threw up an end of a cigarette filter that probably had marijuana in it (no, not ours). Apparently it’s VERY common now that weeds legal that people leave it around the house and in public areas. It gave us the scare of our life for a good 24hrs but she’s ok after getting an IV x charcoal. Please be careful with your pets. A small percentage of dogs ingesting THC have lead to seizures and coma. Swipe thru to see her post-vet visit thriving and bothering everyone during their workouts ♥️🐕


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