アメリカ内務省のインスタグラム(usinterior) - 8月27日 00時20分

Last week, a beautiful bouquet of butter-yellow roses was left anonymously on the doorstep of Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument in Washington, D.C. Rangers put the roses inside the Hall of Portraits, where sculptures and paintings of Alice Paul, Alva Belmont, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sojourner Truth and many National Woman's Party members could see the bouquet from their pedestals and frames. This 200-year-old house is a testament to the nation's continuing struggle for equality and honors a community who dedicated their lives to the fight for women's rights. A hundred years ago the 19th Amendment was certified as part of the U.S. Constitution. We are grateful for the roses and the chance to honor those who marched before us. Photo by National Park Service. #UsInterior #ForwardIntoLight #NPS19th #19thAmendment #womensequalityday


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