エイミー・デビッドソンのインスタグラム(amy_davidson) - 8月24日 04時33分

On our second wedding anniversary my husband and I went to Mexico. Every chance I got I would do yoga on the beach. I would stretch my body, do handstands, backbends, calm my mind through meditation and simply connect with my body. That seems like a world away...

I used to do yoga 5 to 6 days a week. Yoga ignited a passion in me that I have yet to find anywhere else. Yoga would calm my spirit while strengthening my body. Yoga helped me quiet my mind and center my soul. Yoga is a huge part of my life and yet I miss it terribly. In the past five months since the world has changed drastically, I’ve been on my mat three times. I’ve tried at home yoga on zoom and I just can’t get into it. My head is fighting my body and I simply don’t want to do it. I miss being in a yoga studio with my friends and teachers, I miss being surrounded by other people and feeling their energy. I long for the days of normalcy returning, but I fear those days are long gone. What we used to think of as “normal” seems like a distant memory to me. Are you feeling this way as well? Do you miss your community? Your church? Your gym? Your children’s schools? Your yoga community? What are you doing to stay healthy- mind body and spirit? I think I need to go for a run...


Once a #yogi always a yogi. #yoga #yogapractice #yogaeverydamnday #yogainspiration #yogaposes #yogaathome #yogaeverywhere #yogagirl #yogisofinstagram #namaste #mom #yogamom #mommy #beach #beachlife #sand #salt #backbend #handstand #love #loveyourself #loveyou


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