We Wore Whatのインスタグラム(weworewhat) - 8月22日 03時46分

What I typically eat in day 🍽 This video is one of my most requested but let me preface it with what Melissa taught me early on - “diet” is a dirty word. I’ve taken this to heart over the years and while I have restrictions for my stomach issues - dairy-free and gluten free - I’m not overly strict with my eating habits. My morning usually starts with coffee (and if I’m not lazy, water with lemon). If there’s a banana or any fruit in my fridge I go for it and get to work. Around 1030am I start getting hungry and make myself avocado on rice cakes or these flat crackers (gluten free). For lunch I always order a salad with grains (and if I didn’t have my avocado breakfast I add it). For the rest of the afternoon I usually have a second coffee and some snacks (carrots with hummus, or anything from Thrive market). My dinner varies the most, usually it’s a salad and fish (salmon is my favorite) and veggies on the side (the more crispy the better). My alcohol intake probably accounts for the most of my sugar/calories.. but hey, I let myself live. I drink a ton of water throughout the day and only sometimes crave vegan ice cream at the end of a night! And that’s just what I typically do since so many of you asked, it’s nothing too crazy or strict and keeps me feeling good. Don’t worry, I have major “cheat” days too (put that quotes because I don’t consider it cheating and don’t get down on myself about it either)! Every BODY is different so please find what makes YOU feel best!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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