アリサ・ラモスのインスタグラム(mylifesatravelmovie) - 8月17日 01時28分

Two Important Announcements! Keep reading! (Chateaux and hydrangeas for attention! 🤪
First is that my gift card winners have been notified! Check your DM! Anyone who didn't get one can use 'WANDERLUST' for 10 °/. Off any travel jewelry item! Link in bio!
Second is that about half of you guys guessed where I have to temporarily move next: MEXICO! And specifically, Tulum and Playa del Carmen!
Check out WHY:
1. In order to get my long term visa for Spain, I have to go to the US to get it...if I go to the US right now, I can't get back into Europe. I also do not want to go to the US right now. But have my mail in ballot ready.
2. My bf has to go back to the US to teach a retreat, and will not be allowed back into Spain (hope all his students are super grateful for that retreat!!!!) so we have to go somewhere he can go from the US.
3. I was supposed to move my dog to Spain and my mom was supposed to visit, since neither can happen there, it's happening in Mexico! YAY OSCAR!!
4. I need tropical beaches and luxury apartments that are super cheap.
5. I've decided that 2020 should be more of a vacation since my grind will be doubled in 2021, and Mexico is the perfect place to chill!
6. Visas in Mexico are good for 6 months.
I will be getting an antibody test and PCR test before getting on the plane, and don't plan on using plane travel much once I get there (plotting some epic road trips!). Will also be bringing all 386 of my facemasks, and spraying all of my stuff down with disinfectant. Also my flight there has a 4/5 rating for new safety measures, and I'll be testing how great I've recovered from anxiety by wearing a mask the entire 19hour flight! 😷💪
Casual side note that I am not traveling there for leisure, I legit need to move somewhere to live and work until I can get a visa or until the world goes back to normal and I can travel again internationally for work.
Oh and sneaky third announcement: doing a quick road trip to Costa Brava and Andorra before I leave! Excited to have managed to add two new countries to my list since they're driving distance from Barcelona!!
If you could pick one country to live in for the rest of 2020,where would it be?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




