ジェームズ・ヴァン・ダー・ビークのインスタグラム(vanderjames) - 8月15日 16時41分

Words are powerful. Think of how many times we unconsciously use phrases that don’t call in our highest possible destiny. Everything from, “I’m such an idiot,” to “That’ll be the death of me.” I’ve been paying a lot more attention during quarantine to what I consume - food-wise, media-wise, philosophically - and how it effects my emotional being... but I’m realizing more and more it’s also worth being conscious about what kind of energy we’re putting out there with the words we use. So when my adorable little firecracker here made up a song with the lyrics: “Me fall down... me fall down...” I gently offered an alternative version. She’s the most headstrong human I know, so she’ll only adopt it if she’s feeling it 😜... but I’d invite you to consider the notion that what you say can actually play a role in co-creating your reality. A great book on this - and many other things - is #SpiritHacking by @shamandurek, if you want to do a deep dive. Have a joyful day, everyone!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



