サリー・ピアソンのインスタグラム(sallypearson) - 8月7日 14時57分

The day I found out I was pregnant, one of my first thoughts was, “how am I going to feed my baby?” It didn’t take me long to decide that breastfeeding was the choice for me. I never once thought that I may have difficulty with this decision. In fact, I wasn’t fully aware of the difficulties that came with breastfeeding, it was just going to work and I wasn’t going to have any issues. Yes, I was very naive. 
My doctor informed me that I should try and start to express colostrum (liquid gold) at 36 weeks. what is colostrum? It's the first form of milk produced by the mammary glands. I didn’t realise that colostrum, if you’re not formula feeding, can be quite sparse when first expressing and you may only express a ml. This small amount is all that babies need to survive for the first few days that they’ve been born.
In the recovery room, before my husband and I went back to our room, the nurse came in and said, “ok, let’s get her feeding”. I looked at her and then at my husband and thought, what, now? I’ve only just given birth to her, I’ve got the colostrum in the freezer, why aren’t they using that? They said that it's important to get babies learning how to suckle straight away and feed off the mothers breast. 
Instantly, I fell in love with breastfeeding. I loved that I made a beautiful connection with Ruby. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t always easy trying to get Ruby to latch.
After a few days, breastfeeding started to hurt from cracked nipples,
I then had to start to learn how to express milk from a pump. I ended up loving pumping and quickly forgetting that I used to really love breastfeeding. Once I left the hospital, I found that breastfeeding was really hard in the middle of the night and I was worried that I was going to fall asleep with Ruby in my arms which frightened me. So, I decided that I was going to pump the whole time, plus, its so much easier. I quickly realised that I wasn’t producing as much milk to sustain her throughout the day, so I had to start using formula to top her up which I don’t mind.
Everyones feeding routine is different for different reasons as long as baby is fed and looked after that’s all that matters in the end.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



