アンバー・ヴァレッタのインスタグラム(ambervalletta) - 8月7日 05時39分

If you love life and our planet please watch this video. Help us defend our planet💙💚THE HEALTH OF OUR PLANET CANNOT WAIT! The UN’s International Seabed Authority does not want people to know about this. In October, they will meet to move their mining agenda forward, ignoring the warnings of scientific experts and initiating the destruction of the world’s largest carbon sink. Help us fight for a moratorium on deep seabed mining and SHARE THIS MESSAGE!

We don’t need it. We don’t want it. It isn’t worth the risk. Please help us raise awareness by sharing this message and insisting that the #ISA put a 10-year moratorium on deep seabed mining.
@theoxygenproj. Link in bio to The Oxygen Project


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



