エディー・バウアーのインスタグラム(eddiebauer) - 8月7日 02時37分

Think your dog has the pet-tential to be a great camping buddy? Bring him or her along on Sleep Under The Stars Night THIS SATURDAY and find out! Our #EBcontributor @tyrhee.moore loves camping with his dog Moses, and he has some great tips that'll come in handy this weekend. ⠀

1. Your dog is your constant companion.⠀
Don’t plan to leave your pup at camp alone when you leave for that day hike, whether tied up at camp or kept inside the tent or car. They should always remain in sight of you at all times.⠀

2. Use pick-up bags.⠀
Apply leave-no-trace ethics to your dogs. With more people appreciating the outdoors with their dogs, there’s more waste in the woods.⠀

3. Snuggle buddies.⠀
Given there’s likely wildlife roaming in the night, rules usually require that dogs sleep with you either in the car or in your tent. Make sure to bring additional bedding or create extra room to snuggle up together under the stars.⠀

4. Pack provisions.⠀
Your pup's kit should include a bowl, water, and kibble.⠀

5. Only bring food out during meals.⠀
Leaving kibble out teaches other wildlife that campgrounds are tasty places to hang out.⠀

Sleep Under The Stars Night is just days away! Whether you’re staying in your backyard, at a campsite, or out in the backcountry, it’s going to be awesome! Don’t fur-get to share your own tips in the comments with #EB100 for a chance to win a Backyard Adventure Kit worth over $500 or the grand prize – a trip for two to Rocky Mountain National Park. See our “Join us 8/8” highlight for more details.⠀



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