プラバルグルンのインスタグラム(prabalgurung) - 8月6日 02時53分

“In the 20 years of my life I have spent in New York, this summer has been the best summer of my life. It’s been a summer of real awakening. It has been challenging, and it is the most difficult summer for so many of us. Business is tough, the future is uncertain, and a revolution is happening on the streets. It is all difficult, it is all extremely challenging. But to see the country and the world have a reckoning, an awakening, and having difficult but extremely important conversations around race, gender, black lives matter, and equality - I look at it and think to myself: ‘what an incredible time to be alive.’ This is what I came to New York for! To see this revolution, to see this change. To see the possibility of a better world where differences are celebrated. Revolution happens in small pockets, but now we are collectively coming together, and to see the things I believe in, like social justice manifest in their own way… I feel so blessed to be alive.” xPG

Thank you @artnews and @brookejaffestyle for an incredible conversation this evening! In case you missed it, you can watch our full live chat here where we talked about style, art, inspiration, and staying positive through difficult times.


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