ルイーズ・ペントランドのインスタグラム(louisepentland) - 8月4日 15時56分

Ad 💕How old were you when you had your own phone? I’m still a bit nervous about Darcy having her one which is why I have been so on board with her having a Sky SPACETALK Watch for the last 8 months.
It fits like a watch, Darcy can ring people that I put in her contacts (I control all this with an app on my phone), she can text people in her contacts, track her steps (for funsies), use a stopwatch and enjoy feeling a bit more connected. She can’t access the internet, she can only take calls on speakerphone and it doesn’t take or receive pictures. To me, it has felt like a really safe way for her to develop her communication skills and stay in touch with friends and family (especially helpful in this super weird year).
It has a GPS system on it so I can see where she is if she goes out and has a safety alarm in it that she can use if she needs to. I just really love it. It’s felt like a great solution to that first taste of independence and to my over cautious Mummy heart! Visit the website to check out #SkySpacetalk
Are you with me on being over cautious and wanting products like this before the full access jobbies or do I sound a bit over protective ❤️haha? Xxx


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