ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 7月23日 06時34分

Police officers in riot gear cleared out the “Occupy City Hall” encampment in City Hall Park near dawn on Wednesday, shutting down a monthlong demonstration against police brutality.⁣

A group of NYPD officers in helmets started closing in on dozens of protesters and homeless people shortly before 4 a.m. As the police moved through the camp, they took down a series of tarps and makeshift tents that demonstrators and several homeless people had been living in for weeks and tossed them into city garbage trucks.⁣

By 8 a.m., city cleaning crews had arrived to scrub anti-police graffiti from sidewalks, subway entrances and the walls of several historic buildings in the area, including the Manhattan Surrogate’s Court across the street from City Hall. The graffiti on the courthouse and other government landmarks became symbolic of the continuing unrest in the city. Police officials said the cleanup at and around the protest site could take weeks to finish.⁣

Tap the link in our bio to read more from the raid. Photos by @dave_sanders.⁣


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