マイケル・フランティのインスタグラム(michaelfranti) - 7月23日 03時57分

Soulrockers!!! "I Got You” is in the TOP 10 at radio and we want to keep this party going!! I want your help sharing the #IGotYou love. You can win a ticket to the next Stay At Home Concert + access to the “Backstage” Zoom Party Room if you do!⁣

Starting NOW, July 22 at NOON PT, we're opening the doors for 10 Soulrockers to win tickets to my SOULROCKER HOUSE PARTY Stay At Home Concert on August 15th!! How? When you SHARE the above playlist my crew and I made for y'all (including songs from the new #WHBNAlbum and a ton of old favorites) you’ll be entered to win. Here's how it will work:⁣
1. Head to the link in my bio to access the playlist on⁣
2. Tap the three dots "..." on the playlist home page and choose "Share" ➡ "Instagram Story"⁣
3. A. Tag ME @マイケル・フランティ, B. add the hashtag⁣
#IGotYou, C. then tag THREE people in your life you want to say "I Got You" to. Start spreading that love.⁣
4. Tomorrow, July 23 at NOON PT, the competition will end, and we’ll be selecting 10 Soulrockers at random for FREE PASSES to the upcoming concert on 8/15 + access to the “Backstage” Zoom party room! If you already have a ticket to the show and want to gift it to someone else, we love that.⁣ Winners will be notified ONE WEEK from tomorrow!

Let's do this y'all. Can't wait to hear how you enjoy the playlist this week!⁣

#newmusic #playlist #michaelfranti #stayhuman #workhardandbenice


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



