ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 7月12日 07時35分

Photo by @carltonward A red-winged blackbird harasses an Everglades snail kite above Lake Okeechobee in central Florida. Blackbirds are known to mob much larger birds to defend their nesting territories. As many as two million snail kites live throughout the species' range in South and Central America. But fewer than 1,000 survive in South Florida, where management of water levels is critical to their nesting and foraging success. Snail kites are highly specialized, with curved beaks designed for eating apple snails. There was great concern for Florida populations in the early 2000s, when native apple snails were replaced by larger invasive apple snails. But new research shows that snail kites were able to adapt faster than expected -- evolving larger beaks and growing larger overall in as few as two generations. #bird #evolution #kite #Everglades @pathofthepanther @fl_wildcorridor @insidenatgeo #KeepFLWild.


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