ベスト・コーストのインスタグラム(best_coast) - 7月12日 02時34分

remember when we put an album out in February????? my oh my how everything has changed (literally) since then. ⁣

last night i was feeling nostalgic and remembered I used to have a secret snapchat so I went and looked and found these videos of us in January of 2017 recording the first version of “Everything Has Changed” with our friend @xseancookx. it reminded me of how loooooooooong the process of making Always Tomorrow really took. ⁣

I felt sad because I can’t lie, it feels pretty shitty to work on something for almost 5 years and have so many plans for it and then the universe has other plans and you have no choice but to just sit there and accept that. However, that’s literally what this damn album is about, which sorta made me laugh, so I ended my pitty party and went to sleep. There’s much more important things going on in the world to be sad about, though I do believe we need to let ourselves feel whatever we gotta feel around the disappointment of this year not looking the way we expected it to.

Anyway, here’s some silly videos of us working on “Everything Has Changed” after I first wrote it. Thanks for supporting it/us/Always Tomorrow from a distance. We have something fun and exciting coming for you in the next few weeks - stay tuned 💞


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




