ストーレンガールフレンズクラブのインスタグラム(stolengirlfriendsclub) - 7月2日 15時03分

To our Stolen Girlfriends Club family, ⁠⠀
This week, after many months of design, drafts, sampling, long hours, and logistics we went to release our latest jewellery collection. We wanted the collection to be special – just like artifacts are. The collection is all about designing timeless pieces that aren’t trend-based. We want these pieces to be like precious artifacts that you would value forever - and never go out of fashion. With everything we do now we want to create artifacts instead of landfill, to ensure we’re doing our bit to make the world a better place and create products that have longevity.⁠⠀
Unfortunately, we made a mistake. ⁠⠀
Overlaying our branding onto our campaign images, the copy read: ⁠⠀
Our brand name when shortened can create a negative stigma, one that we need to be more aware of. We have to be careful when we abbreviate the brand name to ’Stolen’, and use this word in front of another, as it can completely change the meaning for someone. The title ’Stolen Artifacts’ was never intended to mean ’stolen goods’ or anything that has been taken from another.⁠⠀
As soon as we were made aware of this perception around the phrasing STOLEN ARTIFACTS, we immediately took down the content and began to examine the situation in greater depth.⁠⠀
We are completely and wholeheartedly apologetic that we have offended or triggered anyone with our collection title. ⁠⠀
We are not perfect and we will make mistakes but we wish to be a team that is part of the solution rather than the problem.⁠⠀
We will be changing the collection name to ‘True Artifacts’ - as this was the true intention for this collection.⁠⠀
A collection of beautiful pieces that are highly covetable, truly timeless and can be worn with all of our past collections (and future collections to come).⁠ Nothing more, nothing less.⁠⠀
This collection was shot back in January of this year, all of the imagery is so so beautiful. These images are really important now more than ever - to celebrate diversity and unity.⁠⠀
We are really proud of them and hope you love them as much as we do.⁠⠀
Marc Moore⁠⠀
Co-Founder & Creative Director.


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