ケリーウェアスラーのインスタグラム(kellywearstler) - 6月30日 07時24分

FLASHBACK. My love for fashion runs deep. From when I was about five years old and discovered my mother and grandmother’s bountiful collection of vintage scarves I have been enraptured by the colors, patterns, textures, graphics, silhouettes and beauty that is fashion. Fashion inspires my work and I dress much the way I design, with a mix of contemporary and vintage. Several years ago I decided to take a risk and create my own fashion collection. It was a dream come true but short-lived. Not everything you put your heart into will be a success and sometimes the failures are invaluable, bringing with them life-long learnings.
The biggest takeaway for me from my foray into fashion was to stay focused and let my passion for fashion fuel my interior design. It doesn’t need to have its own lane in order to be honored and exist. Fashion and interiors can collide in the same space. XK


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