雅-MIYAVI-のインスタグラム(miyavi_ishihara) - 6月20日 07時32分

Emmanuel! @emanuelmusic_ A boy I met in Colombia. His dream is to be a singer. The power of dream always gives us the will to live.
But now, under the COVID-19 situation we’re more worried about them than ever.

While some countries come out of this crisis, we cannot forget about refugees around the world who are still so vulnerable. Many who have found safety in camps live in crowded conditions. Others are struggling to support their families.
No one should be left behind as we fight against this virus.
Every one counts.
Every dream counts.
Every action counts.
I’m thinking of them this #WorldRefugeeDay - and everyone can help make a difference. Every action counts. Please click the link in my bio to find out more. Thank you for your support.

#WithRefugees #COVID19


#難民と共に #生き抜くチカラ


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




