ルオル・デンのインスタグラム(luoldeng9) - 6月20日 06時12分

I want to acknowledge the recent outpouring of young South Sudanese women and girls sharing their experiences of sexual violence, assault and harassment. I’m deeply moved by and commend the courage of these brave women speaking out publicly. As a man, I cannot claim to understand the level of pain you had to endure and the strength it took to speak up.
Having many women in my family, I do understand that the safety and well-being of women & girls is of paramount importance. Knowing and believing it to be true, however, is not enough.
To the young women who spoke out, and any that may be reading this - You are not alone. We see you. We hear you. We stand with you. Thank you for your courage. Through South Sudan Unite, which is women-led, our foundation will invest in taking a proactive approach to supporting women who have suffered sexual abuse, and supporting individuals and organizations. This includes help with accessing specialist support and counseling services.
To the young men in our community - we have a duty to protect our own, learn to be better allies and start conversations with the women in our lives and community. We must also dialogue amongst ourselves about our mutual accountability.
Real change requires hard work. Part of that hard work for our generation is preserving the best of our cultures, while evolving out of cultural norms that enable this type of behavior to exist in the shadows. We must do better as a community and stand with our women.

#SouthSudaneseSurvivors #ROSSwomenbreakthesilence #metoosouthsudan #silencenomoreross #notforculture


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