エリザベス・ヘンストリッジのインスタグラム(lil_henstridge) - 6月19日 01時34分

I’ve never been so stressed about which photos to put in a slide show. Bc we took hundreds but also to really sell the point like they have to be bad photos, a bit blurry and they have to sort of not work, ya know? Aaaanyway, @クロエ・ベネット said it PERFECTLY, we thought we were going to be glamour central for this ep - movie stars on a night shoot at Hollywood’s Roosevelt Hotel. Instead we were MATCHING morticians from the 1950s and I have never had so. Much. Fun. On set in my life. Obviously. I MEAN. We had (matching) wetsuits underneath bc it was raining which naturally sparked a whole other photo shoot. Watching the scene last night we were on camera for suuuch a short amount of time and that is 100% bc it isn’t humanly possible to not laugh/cry/shake whilst doing a scene with @クロエ・ベネット as matching morticians. Also, after we wrapped I went home, slept for 20 minutes and went on a trip with @zacharyburrabel on which he proposed. So overall a PERFECT weekend. Phewff. The end.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



