のインスタグラム(happyyorkiefamily) - 6月18日 11時35分

Our hearts are shattered as we learned the most heartbreaking news about our BFF Leo @iloveleoandcoco_ 💔💔💔 Words simply can not describe the pain we feel! 😰💔 We have met so many wonderful people on IG! ♥️ Not only our furry babies became friends, some of us dog moms became close friends as well! 🥰👭🏻We have known Leo most of his life and I have met him many times and got to know this precious little boy! ♥️🐾🥰 I cannot tell you how much I miss him already! 😭😭😭💔💔💔 Please always watch over your mommy and sis! 🙏🏼 I hope knowing how much you are loved by our IG family is brining a little comfort to your mommy’s broken heart! 😰💔🙏🏼😞 I’m sure my baby girl Abby has met you at the Rainbow Bridge in doggie heaven! 🙏🏼🐾🌈 You are both cancer free and can breath freely now! 😭😭😭 Run free babies! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 We will always love you! ♥️♥️♥️ And you will always be the biggest star in our hears!! 🏆♥️🥰 RIP Leo until we meet again one day! ♥️🙏🏼🐾🌈 #RainbowBridge #WeWillLoveYouForever #UntilWeMeetAgain #HealingEnergy #LoveAndPrayers


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