ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 6月11日 12時33分

Photo by @beverlyjoubert | Curiosity … makes for a clever cat. Cubs are explorers by nature; being inquisitive and observant (especially of their mothers) is how the youngsters learn the skills they’ll need to survive in the rough-and-tumble world that awaits them in adulthood. And getting to adulthood is by no means guaranteed–for young cubs, especially males, the odds of survival are stacked against them. Mortal threats loom both in the form of rival predators and vicious pride takeovers. There is little we can do to protect these growing lions from such natural risks–but there are a host of human-caused threats that are putting the species under increasing pressure too. It is these risks that we can–and must–control. #bigcatconservation #lions #lioncubs


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