湊ジュリアナのインスタグラム(julianaminato) - 6月11日 09時09分

I’m blond now lol . For the first time in my life I changed something about my looks lol 😂my Hair is thin and fragile, so I was worried to damage it. I actually have been thinking about it for many years. 😆. But since I work in Japanese fashion industry , I always tried to don’t look like a foreigner as much as I can for work. But in reality I am a foreigner , my face won’t change. And without any change , I have a 18 years of career thank God! But I should live my life like there are no tomorrow. I realized I’m not a teenager anymore. Im on my 30s. I needed courage for it. Im always a challenger, positive, and try new things to keep myself busy and motivated. But when it came to looks, I was afraid of changing and don’t be accepted. As a result of having consulted many of my friends over the years, I thought the Timing is now! My friends said if u don’t like it , change it. That’s simple. And that kinda hit me this time ❤️I’m glad I did it and I’m discovering new styles and makeup it’s pretty fun 🥰I’m gonna be blond for a little while I guess ✨ Gotta enjoy the moments 🥰

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