ルイーズ・ペントランドのインスタグラム(louisepentland) - 6月6日 16時09分

🧡Yesterday was an exceptionally hard day. I had to face some really painful truths about my childhood and they hurt my adult #Mummyheart. I desperately don’t want my girls to have the same life I did growing up.
Sometimes my brain does this horrible thing where it lists all the horrific things that could happen to them. It races through this terrible ‘what if?’ game and it takes a lot to pull myself out of that.
I watched the sunset, downed a family size bag of Cadbury’s buttons, called Esther for a cry, had a logical discussion with Liam and felt upright again. 💪🏻
Today is a NEW day. Liam’s working so we’re having a ‘Girl’s Weekend’ which is just what I need. We’re going to bake cookies (I know, not like me! 🤣), watch films, Darcy wants me to do purple chalk dye in her hair, maybe go for a walk round my favourite little village. It’s going to be good for the soul.
I just want to end on this for anyone who might sadly have been in the same position (leave a ❤️ if you’re still actually reading this novel 😂), a destructive childhood doesn’t have to destroy you. Abuse doesn’t own you. Yes, it is awful but you can get up, show up and succeed. You’re not a victim, you’re a survivor. You’re good. You can live a happy, strong, love filled life. You’re not broken, you’re ok.
If you’re in trouble or you ever think a child is and you don’t know what to do and don’t feel able to call the police, PLEASE contact the @nspcc_official. They will confidentially advise you with fully trained professionals. They save lives 🧡


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



