ジョン・メイヤーのインスタグラム(johnmayer) - 6月6日 09時39分

I have spent these recent days shocked and saddened by the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, all in close succession, and all on horrific terms. As I listened to the voices of the Black community, I began to audit both what role I play within the framework of systemic racism and inequality, and what resources I have in helping bring about lasting, meaningful change.
A week ago I began discussions with the incredible scientists, veterans and clinicians at @heartandarmor - my foundation dedicated to protecting the health of veterans - about researching the unique challenges that affect Black veterans in order to provide them better treatments for PTSD. Today we are announcing a new research area, “Trauma, Race and Healing in the Veteran Population.” I am contributing $350,000 in order to begin the project immediately.
As impactful as I know this research will be, I also realize this is a small component within a more complex, layered and urgent problem. With this in mind, I have also contributed to @aclu_nationwide, @whenweallvote, @grassrootslaw and @blklivesmatter to help provide more immediate support.
This is the beginning of a long term commitment, and I will do my best to listen whenever needed and act wherever helpful.
May this be the moment…



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