アレクサンデル・テッテイのインスタグラム(tettinho86) - 6月6日 05時24分

I am a BLACK MAN!.... I build... I don’t tear down other BLACK MEN!... I have felt the pain of being torn down and I have decided I will be deliberate about building others ! I tried to pick people I thought would do this challenge!! All too often, we men find it easier to criticise each other, instead of building each other up. With all the negativity going around let’s do something positive!! 🌟upload 1 picture of yourself... ONLY you. Then tag as many brothers to do the same. Let’s build ourselves up, instead of tearing ourselves down. 🖤🖤 COPY & PASTE 🖤🖤 #blacklivesmatter #notoracism

[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield) 更年期に悩んだら

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