のインスタグラム(ansel) - 6月3日 02時27分

I’ll spend today giving my energy and attention to this. As I’ve spend a large amount of the past few discussing with friends and family and reading what’s mostly on social media. First step is educating myself. Looking for steps to take to start making change.
What we shouldn’t do is ignore the FACT that’s there’s a massively unfair system in place that needs to be rebuilt.
We’re all in this together like high school musical. Honestly feeling ignorant for the most part. But pointing out the problem and taking today to focus on the problem, searching for solutions seems like a good start. There really shouldn’t be any disagreement on this. If you don’t want to be a part of making a just world for everyone then you’re not a good person. Do the right thing like Mr.Spike Lee


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




