ロサンゼルスカウンティ美術館のインスタグラム(lacma) - 6月2日 10時05分

We stand with our community in rejecting racism, in mourning, and in demanding justice for the deaths of countless African Americans who continue to be targeted by systematic violence. We recognize that museums cannot claim neutrality in addressing the horrific issues that have plagued our society for centuries.

We have a responsibility to listen and to learn in our efforts to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion and address the deep-seated inequities that exist in the art world and in our society as a whole. We are committed to speaking out against racism, violence, and hatred.

Our country is divided by ignorance, bigotry, and intolerance, and it is our goal to create safe and productive spaces—both virtual and in-person—for discussion and action. Our staff is hard at work at developing programs and initiatives, including our new series of programs titled “Racism is a Public Health Issue.” We recognize that ours is just one small contribution toward a change in our society that is long overdue. Our deep and ongoing commitment to doing this work is more important than ever and does not end this week, this month, or this year.

Black Lives Matter.


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