ショウン・ロスのインスタグラム(shaunross) - 6月2日 04時54分

It’s a snippet but this song resonates more than ever during this time for me as a black man. #solange released #aseatatthetable in 2016 and it was such a revolutionary album speaking on what it to be black in this world and how beautiful and proud we should feel to be black. Growing up with albinism I’ve always battled the question of ‘ You are black but why is your skin white ? I don’t know how many times I’ve had to explain to people that I’m a black man or only being chosen in the fashion industry because I weirdly look cool or having a man with a visual Imparity makes our brand look like we are for everyone when in fact we don’t take time to actually understand the lives of the people we put in our campaigns. Thank you @saintrecords for making such a work of art.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




