紫舟さんのインスタグラム写真 - (紫舟Instagram)「「瀧昇鯉図」 / Carp climbing the Waterfall 2016年 H175.5×W370.5cm 金箔、アクリル/ Acrylic gouache on gold leaf 六曲一隻 / Six-panel folding screen 個人蔵 / Private collection . 書… こいこい のぼる しょうぶに たつる たつたつながるる はれ はれ のぼる あっぱれ あっぱれ にほんばれ (鯉来い 登る 勝負に (菖蒲に)立つる たつ たつ流るる 晴れ 晴れ登る 天晴れ 天晴れ 日本晴れ . *This is a Japanese poem whose words are made to rhyme with each of them. Carp, go, ascend the waterfall, achieve success Dragon roar, roar, stream, sun shines, shine in success, climb Hurrah, hurrah, like the spotless beautiful sky, what a feeling of immense joy  A Carp's ascending a stream symbolizes spectacular success. This came from the ancient Chinese myth of Dragon Gate. The myth says a carp turns into a dragon if it can ascend the top of waterfall called "Dragon Gate," the upstream of the Yellow River. This work is named after this myth praying the dragon ascend to the height of the sky, and a touch of Japanese carp streamer is also added to this artwork’s title. The custom of flying the carp streamers on May 5th started in the 17th century to celebrate and pray for future prosperity and fame for boys. To this day, people ward off evil spirits with calamus flowers as well. Since the name of calamus flower in Japanese rhymes with the word of militarism, samurai households came to pray for their son’s prosperity and sword mastery on May 5th. . . . #紫舟 #sisyu #calligraphy #japaneseart #japaneseaesthetic .」5月26日 13時22分 - sisyu8

紫舟のインスタグラム(sisyu8) - 5月26日 13時22分

「瀧昇鯉図」 / Carp climbing the Waterfall
金箔、アクリル/ Acrylic gouache on gold leaf
六曲一隻 / Six-panel folding screen
個人蔵 / Private collection
こいこい のぼる
しょうぶに たつる
はれ はれ
あっぱれ あっぱれ
(鯉来い 登る
勝負に (菖蒲に)立つる
たつ たつ流るる
晴れ 晴れ登る
天晴れ 天晴れ
*This is a Japanese poem whose words are made to rhyme with each of them.
Carp, go, ascend the waterfall, achieve success
Dragon roar, roar, stream, sun shines, shine in success, climb
Hurrah, hurrah, like the spotless beautiful sky, what a feeling of immense joy

A Carp's ascending a stream symbolizes spectacular success.
This came from the ancient Chinese myth of Dragon Gate.
The myth says a carp turns into a dragon if it can ascend the top of waterfall called "Dragon Gate," the upstream of the Yellow River. This work is named after this myth praying the dragon ascend to the height of the sky, and a touch of Japanese carp streamer is also added to this artwork’s title.
The custom of flying the carp streamers on May 5th started in the 17th century to celebrate and pray for future prosperity and fame for boys.
To this day, people ward off evil spirits with calamus flowers as well.
Since the name of calamus flower in Japanese rhymes with the word of militarism, samurai households came to pray for their son’s prosperity and sword mastery on May 5th.
#紫舟 #sisyu #calligraphy #japaneseart #japaneseaesthetic


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