アマンダ・マーフィーのインスタグラム(amandajeanmurphy) - 5月14日 04時24分

Just a girl who is happy to be pain free after rehabbing 2 herniated discs for 4 months during a pandemic. At least hurting my back while caring for baby rhinos makes an excellent story. A few weeks before my injury I was running a 10k in Sydney for fun. I had become the fittest I’ve ever been in my life at 33...and I took it for granted. I could still only see where I needed improvement. Now that I’m starting to train again from the bottom I can actually appreciate how much power I had. One day I’ll reach that level again but until then I’ve learned to be happy with what I can do each and every day. Im going to enjoy the process. Focus on being thankful today and every day for my health and what I can do instead of chasing results and feeling unfulfilled. Where I am today is enough ♥️


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