ページ・ケネディのインスタグラム(pagekennedy) - 4月24日 05時03分

I don’t even know what to write right now. I really need more time to process this honestly. I’ve lost so many ppl close to me this last year that I’m exhausted emotionally. But damn Fred not you too bro. You were my bar inspiration. I do my bring back bars specifically cause you taught me that. You were and are one of my favorite rappers man. You are The God MC. I spoke on the phone at length with you over the xmas holiday and you wanted to do a tape with me. We talked in detail about it. You introduced me to one of my other favorite rappers now @imaxelleon you unlike a lot of rappers never felt threatened or insecure so you were not shy in sharing what you thought of me as an MC. “ you gets busy” i was fortunate enough to do two joints with you. One being my biggest song to date. I pray for your beautiful wife and the kids that there king is gone. But not forgotten. Everytime i put pen to paper i will keep your wit in mind and keep you with me. I love you @fredthegodsonmusic #RIPfredthegodson


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