キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月29日 06時34分

Backbending can be so intimidating. When you see young, flexible yoga goddesses contorting themselves into pretzel shapes, you can often feel like you’re either born that way or you’re not. Well, let me tell you something, I’ve been practicing for over 20 years and the reason I’ve been able to maintain my practice is because of good technique. I wasn’t born like this. I never did a backbend before I started yoga. I wasn’t naturally able to do them. But I practiced and worked with a healthy and intelligent understanding of the body. And here I am, years later, feeling more energy and vitality in my spine and in my life.
If you want to learn the techniques and method I apply for backbends, now you can join from anywhere in the world without leaving your home! I‘m teaching Backbending Basics next Saturday online at 2 pm EST. Details on my website. Come practice 🙏
The week after is Breath and Bandhas.
And I’ll be adding a special seminar for yoga teachers about how to take teaching online soon. Stay tuned.
If you missed today’s Handstand Mechanics workshop, you can still hook for the replay.
Vintage photo by @ifilmyoga
#yoga #yogi #Ashtanga #backbend #kapotasana #miami 💗💗💗


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