ハルク・ホーガンのインスタグラム(hulkhogan) - 3月27日 09時32分

On one given night called WRESTLEMANIA 18,two brothers of the road that have wrestling in their blood 🩸 dug in with their hearts,souls and instincts and performed a match of a lifetime.They say every picture tells a story,well this story is the sum of all the parts,all the great parts of our business,when I walked away I knew they talked about all the great matches Andre,Flair,Bruno,Brisco’s,Race,Terry and Dory Funk,Macho,Steamboat,but I knew this match with the Rock became IMMORTAL and would be talked about for all of time my Brother #HollyWoodHulkHogan4Ever @ドウェイン・ジョンソン


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