ルーク・ドナルドのインスタグラム(lukedonald) - 3月23日 01時22分

Shallowing the club from the top of the backswing is something I’ve struggled with at times in my career, it’s certainly been a big focus of mine of late & thanks to the help of my trainer @ben.shear we’ve come up with some great exercises in the gym to help me increase my external rotation range of my right shoulder & make @patgossnugolf job a little easier 😁

Shallowing the club from the top will not only help to eliminate that dreaded slice, it will also allow you to fully release everything at impact which will increase your speed and distance. Give this simple at home exercise a try #LDTips #homeimprovement #golf #shallowingtheclub #externalrotation #stayhome #stayinside #stayhealthy


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