Vogue Parisのインスタグラム(voguefrance) - 3月21日 20時04分

#FromHomeWithLove Every day during this period of confinement, we stay in touch with the Vogue Family and we invite a guest to send us a picture specially from their home, as well as sharing their tips on how they are staying positive during this difficult time. Today, it's the turn of @カロリーヌ・ド・メグレ « With a bunch of my friends, we decided to give ourselves the challenge of learning one thing during this time at home, to try to find a positive outcome. So I decided to learn to play the bass. Just to be clear, that’s the only time of the day I manage to do anything creative... No pressure. Take your time, maybe it will come and maybe it won’t. » #StayHome #StaySafe


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