ティモシー・サイクスのインスタグラム(timothysykes) - 3月21日 01時07分

URGENT: Please share this video with your followers and tag people who need to see it as the Coronavirus pandemic is growing fast now with 250,000+ cases worldwide and 10,000+ deaths so far. We at @karmagawa have been warning about this for the past 2 months, but too many people have taken it too lightly, saying “it’s just the flu”. On the contrary, this new virus without a vaccine has a fatality rate 10-30x of the flu and while it’s mostly the elderly and those with underlying health conditions who are dying, young people are spreading it fast, many unknowingly, as studies have shown this virus can also be spread by those with no symptoms. Please help me get the word out to get more people to stay home, stay at least six feet away from others, wash your hands more frequently and recognize that hospitals are running out of supplies and hospital beds so if this pandemic continues growing exponentially as it has been, they’ll soon be overwhelmed and that’s when hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions of people will die worldwide. We MUST work together to prevent that and #flattenthecurve so please share this important message and tag people who need to see this RIGHT NOW before it’s too late! #coronavirus #flattenthecurve #jewflu


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




