ジュリアン志傑乙のインスタグラム(julianyeeee) - 3月19日 10時30分

I know that many of us skaters dont really have ice available for us to train on due to the current situation we're in. Lots of our authorities have been encouraging us to practice social distancing. However that shouldn't stop us from training or even just staying active. There's so many ways to get around it! Whether it may be going for a jog/run or even off-ice jumps, we can find a way to do it.
#OffIceJumps #iceskating #figureskating #sports #athlete #Covid19 #CoronaVirus #socialdistancing
#selfisolation #active #healthy #fun #exercise #workout #freshair #outdoors #backyard #parkinglot #coach #tips


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