ダニエル・ノリスのインスタグラム(danielnorris18) - 3月13日 10時57分

Today was a very surreal day in the sports world. Everything came to a screeching halt as we waited on the verdict. As athletes, it’s easy to become enclosed in our realm of a child’s game. Running around with your teammates, entranced in laughter & usually making fun of each other.. For awhile today, I sat in my locker feeling numb. “Is this real?” - I mean, of course, we see the news & hear the possibilities but it all seemed so distant.. the stark reality of what is going on has sunk in & we don’t have a choice but to wait. Im left here thinking about the fans and what they mean to what we have a privilege of doing. The chatter. The popcorn. It’s all a part of the dream. - I pray this will subside soon & that all of you that don’t care about sports can get back to your life without hesitation as well. At the end of the day, we’re all after the same thing. Health & joy to all. jklivin


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